sneak peak

31 07 2008

Hey guys I got a special sneak peak at the new Clothing catalogue coming out tomorrow! I guess it’s going to be a picnic tablecloth or a checkered dress. It also looks like they are putting in rubber bands for your wig or new bracelets. Also, rockhoppers due back soon for the end of summer. He’ll be back here in a couple of weeks.

Otherwise, there isn’t much stuff happening in club penguin.

Lastly, I haven’t been keeping up with adding in more music videos, so… I was thinking of asking any of the people who go to my site or people who need advertising of their group if they would like me to advertise their Club penguin videos and music videos on my site. I am a great advertiser and could post all your videos on my blog. If you know someone or are someone who is in a group or makes videos solo, give me the title of one of your best movies you’ve made and I’ll look at it and if I think it’s good, I’ll advertise and make banners for you, and post your band on my blog. If you want to, E-mail me or comment under this post.



new party and the CPIP blog gone

25 07 2008

The CPIP blog is now closed down. I have pictures, but they are all unedited. I don’t have any time right now, so I’m gonna password protect them and post them on the blog, and then tonight or tomorrow I’ll edit them and then take off the password and put them onto this post. I screwed this up, so we didn’t have those pictures this weekend, but I might be able to soon, or today.

Here’s what’s up:

The party is easily the best one yet, with tons of cool features, such as one rock stage, one classical stage at the ski village, a pink stage at the beach, a jamacian stage and free maracas at the cove, a country stage at the forest, a make-a-music 3000 at the dojo, and an alternating stage at the dock. Plus the hip-hop theme at the night club! also, with the new permanent game, DJK3! What you do is your penguin is wearing headphones,while you click buttons, and play beats to make up a dance music song (no lyrics) You also get coins for it.

Also, here is a secret. Go to the concession stand at the Snow Forts and buy the VIP pass for 50 coins. Then go to the dock where the changing stage is. Move your mouse over the”VIP only” sign is and click when the curtains open. You can go backstage and hang out! There is a box of instruments to the left that you can buy from. I already had them all from last year, but the new bass guitar just came out. There is also a secret item hidden in the title. Click the top of the I to get the red electric guitar.

Plus, there are two free items. The first is a music jam 2008 t-shirt at the plaza, and the second is the first maracas at the cove.

Full credit to Wwe Adam for the above pictures.

Also, new on the Club Penguin blog, I sadly missed it, but yesterday the penguin band got their own penguins and walked around backstage and took a break, and everyone could see them! Now they are back on the stage playing, but here is a pic:


There is also a sneak peak of a new level to an existing CP game, prabably bean counter, since nobody plays it.


and once again I have ran out of time to finish the pics, I’m trying really hard to get these done, I’m sorry.



betas and other news

22 07 2008

Hey, I’m back with great news about a ton of stuff! First, I’d like to put out that thanks to your help, our blog has gone up 170 hits in three days! thats great! Please keep telling more club penguin fans about my blog and how awesome it is and I will keep posting  and putting up great features to the website. My next party will be for 5,000 hits, and I bet that we can get that many hits in one month. Well, I guess we have to because school starts in august and September for most people, and during the school year it’ll be hard to keep up with the blog and I won’t have a lot of time to come up with things like new funny pictures and finding new cool music videos, plus parties.

Anyway, lets forget about school and start talking about what’s new in CP. The newest feature came out today, and it was the list next to the member igloo map, that Billybob said would be coming out.


The second feature is a sneak peak of the new DJ scratching and music mixing game, coming out in the Music Jam 2008 party, arriving this Friday, on July 25th, 2008.


Third, is another spoiler picture of the forest.


Yesterday, I went on Frozen, and I actually saw about 10 beta testers, and two people walking on walls. The reason I couldn’t post yesterday and why I posted today is because I made this:

Lastly, The pin is located at the bottom left corner of the pool on a rock.

Sorry, I’ll post about the new clothing catalogue tomorrow!



newspaper issue #144

17 07 2008

Hey guys the new newspaper is out today and though not much is in it we haven’t heard , it’s still pretty good. The featured article is a review of the  encored Superhero play. It has been updated with a new background available to buy and a new Godzilla-like monster. If you ask me it looks more like a turtle :). Another good article is about the new music festival on the 25th, I think they might be introducing hip hop/ pop music to club penguin, because they are bringing in new music for igloos, and the article in the paper also states that they are going to need alot of DJ’s.

Sadly, we have to say good bye to one of the best cheats in club penguin. The talking with the newspaper cheat. They took off the ability to have the map up when you sled race, but, if you look at my cheats/glitches page there is still one way left to talk.

One more thing. I an working on two or three funny pics to post. Also, my sister found this really weird bug yesterday in club penguin where the gift shop was going past it’s capacity limit. Plus nobody moved or talked, so I think that everyone that ever went in that day and left a second one of them froze there and didn’t move. Then we left and came back and it was gone. Cool huh? Here is a pic:



A new DS game

16 07 2008

Hey guys! My internet was down so I couldn’t post about all the new stuff that has come out. The first thing I want to talk about is that Club Penguin has made their own Nintendo DS game! I am not positive about when it is coming out, but I found out some other things that might be usefull.

It is called Club Penguin: The Elite Penguin Force. In the game you will be solving puzzles, mysteries, possibly crimes, and all the secret agent missions. Basically,  you will be playing Club Penguin on your D.S., and you will have extra things to do on it via the elite penguin force missions. One thing cool about this is that you will be using a Disney gadget that comes inside the game (not something your penguin uses), called a Dgamer (Disney Gamer). This will hook you up to the club penguin servers and allow you to see your friends and play games and see the parties and updates all on your DS. So with this game, you are basically playing club penguin portably.

Here’s the pic:

Elite Penguin Force
And this is the old pic I thought the game was going to look like:


Also, I wanted to tell you all that in case you haven’t heard, there will be a musical party, and a music dance game coming at the end of the month! They might give out some rock star glasses or maybe a cool rock star jacket!

This is for the game, and looks like a DJ scratching a disc:

Also, club penguin has just released a ton of updates! First off, they have totally redesigned the whole postcard mailing system, to look super cool! You can also get cards from buddies when you are not on, so now you’ll have mail waiting for you!
They also have updated your igloo again, so that instead of it being white around it, you can see outside of it.
Lastly, they redid the sign in to servers. I dont know much about it so you’ll have to see for your self.

Big mistake

8 07 2008

Sorry you guys, my trip turned out being 6 or seven days, and the days after that I needed to see my friends and unpack. So I know that so many things have happened that I haven’t posted. I’m sorry. I took some pictures of the earthquake if you would like to see them, here thay are:


Next, the new mission is out, I haven’t finished all of it yet, but here’s a video off of youtube for you to watch that will tell you everything.

It doesn’t have any sound, so you could open up my blog on another tab or internet, and play a music video for sound.

The new pin is at the cove, and is on the umbrella, its a firework!

The new catalogs are out, and I don’t know all of the hidden items, but I know that in the furniture catalog there is a cool hidden item hidden on the penguin on the new beach towel.

Rockhopper is gone, sadly, but in good news, I’m making two new funny pics this week!

